画笔在跳舞 / Dancing Brush
The Fifth Painting Exhibition of Beijing Huiling
Every year Hui Ling regularly holds exhibitions, from the Color of Soul to the Color of Heaven ", and from the
Sound of Blossoming to the Love without Barriers ... ...
These exhibitions demonstrate the talents of people with intellectual disabilities,as well as their aspirations and ideas. Through the paintings, viewers can have a glimpse of their inner
world of and their hopes of a better life. Over the years, Hui Ling has held personal exhibitions and annual
exhibitions, and from 2002 to 2012 Hui Ling publishes desk calendars and greeting cards by using works
of people with intellectual disabilities. At this moment, the fifth painting exhibition of Bejing Huiling “Dancing
Brush” opens at Italian Embassy. We sincerely invite you to visit.
地点:意大利大使馆文化处/Italian Embassy Culture Office
北京市朝阳区三里屯东二街2号/ 2 Sanlitun Dong’er Jie,Chaoyang District, Beijing
December 3,2012--January 31,2013
开放时间/Opening time:9:00—13:00 14:00—18:00 周一到周五/ Monday to Friday(请携带身份证和护照前往/please bring your ID or Passport with you)
欢迎大家观赏/Welcome to visit
If you are interested in purchasing one of the paintings, please contact us directly.
联系方式/contact info:010-65254398;13716026841 高增云(Peter)